About VSG

Sleeve Gastrectomy is a surgical weight loss tool in which the stomach is reduced to about 25% of its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach, following the major curve. The open edges are then attached together (often with surgical staples, glue and possibly cauterization) to form a sleeve or tube with a banana shape. The procedure permanently reduces the size of the stomach and is performed laparoscopically and is not reversible.


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Friday, September 30, 2011

Taken from a fellow WLS'er and blogger....

Thanks goes out to Sarah from  http://onmyweightohappiness.blogspot.com/

Request from my fellow bloggers.....

I love reading fellow bloggers blogs and following their journey. It gives me inspiration and motivation. I also feel a sense of connection to each and every one of you because your going through the same struggles as me, I'm not alone in this.

Maybe some of you are aware and others are not but I have a few requests....

I love commenting on blogs, I read every single post every one makes but sometimes I don't comment on everyone's because it takes so much time having to do all the comment verifications. Now I know some of you prefer to have the comment verification up and that's fine, but some don't know they have it or know how to turn it off. You can turn this off by going under Settings, then Comments and then under Show word verification for comments? - click NO.

The second request is....

I love reading everyone's comments on my blogs, means a lot. But there's a lot of people who I can't respond back to thanking them for the sweet comment or when they have advice or questions. Whenever you comment on someone's blog they get an email notification of the email, but so many times when I go to hit reply I realize the person doesn't have their email address in there for me to respond so instead it looks like this:

Bill < noreply-comment@blogger.com >

Which means I can't reply back to your comment to say whatever I want to say back, I would reply back on my blog but not 100% sure people go back to read updated comments all the time. So if you would like to get responses back from your comments you can change this by:

Go to the Dashboard, the first section hit Edit Profile then make sure there is a check mark in the 2nd line that says "Show my email address", that means whenever you comment on a blog that person will be able to respond back to your comment via email.

Again I know some of you prefer not to have people contact you back for privacy reasons and I respect that, again just throwing it out there for an FYI for others.

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